EN388, EN420, γαντια εργασιας

EN 388 - Γάντια εργασίας με προστασία έναντι μηχανικών κινδύνων


In accordance to EN 388:2004 all tests and results are performed from the palm area of the glove material and on the material combination used in the glove. The gloves are specially designed to protect the hands from mechanical injuries.

Warning! Observe caution when working with moving machine parts, as the gloves can get caught and cause injury.

Warning! The gloves shall not be worn when there is a risk of entanglement by moving parts of machines.



Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

Level 5

Abrasion resistance (No. of cycles)





Bladecutresistance (Index)




10                    20

Tearresistance (N)





Punctureresistance (N)






EN420 - Γάντια εργασίας - Βασικές απαιτήσεις

In this standard you will find the general requirements for protective gloves as follow:

· The gloves themselves should not impose a risk or cause injury.

· The pH of the gloves should be as close as possible to neutral.

· Leather gloves should have a pH value between 3.5 – 9.5.

· The highest permitted value for chromium is 3 mg/kg (chrome VI).

· Specific details of any substance used in the glove which is known to cause allergies

                         · Sized by reference to an agreed common European hand size, for example minimum length.

Working gloves that have the purpose of protecting the user against risk or danger are often divided into3 categories:

Category I
Simple design and minimal risks. Example of glove types are household gloves, garden gloves and light-duty cotton or leather gloves. The gloves are tested and certified under EN 420. This standard defines the general requirements for protective gloves and are a guarantee for CE marking.

Category II
Simple design and minimal risks.Example of glove types are household gloves, garden gloves and light-duty cotton or leather gloves. The gloves are tested and certified under EN 420. This standard defines the general requirements for protective gloves and are a guarantee for CE marking.

Category I
Simple design and minimal risks. Example of glove types are household gloves, garden gloves andlight-duty cotton or leather gloves. The gloves are tested and certified under EN 420. This standard defines the general requirements for protective gloves and are a guarantee for CE marking.